In this centre you will be educated mostly matters Agriculture.

    Looking forward to having you and i hope you will engaged and get skills necessary for your success.



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Available courses

Agricultural Economics I is a foundational course that covers the principles of economics as they apply to the agricultural industry. Students will learn about the economic principles that drive decision-making processes in agriculture, as well as important concepts such as supply and demand, market structures, and government policies.

The main concepts to be covered in Agricultural Economics I include:
1. Introduction to agricultural economics
2. Supply and demand in agriculture
3. Market structures in agriculture
4. Government intervention in agriculture
5. International trade in agriculture
6. Agricultural price policies
7. Risk and uncertainty in agriculture
8. Environmental economics in agriculture

Course Requirements:
- Attendance: Regular attendance is required for this course.
- Class participation: Students are expected to actively participate in class discussions and activities.
- Assignments: There will be regular assignments that will help reinforce the concepts covered in class.
- Exams: There will be midterm and final exams to assess students' understanding of the material.

Assessment Methods:
- Exams: As mentioned above, there will be midterm and final exams that will test students' knowledge of the material covered in the course.
- Assignments: Assignments will be graded to assess students' ability to apply economic principles to real-world agricultural scenarios.
- Class participation: Students' participation in class discussions and activities will be taken into account when determining their final grade.

Overall, Agricultural Economics I is a comprehensive course that will provide students with a solid foundation in economic principles as they relate to the agricultural industry. By the end of the course, students will be able to analyze and evaluate important economic issues facing the agricultural sector.

Welcome to Land Surveying,this course will equip you will necessary skills to carry out basic surveying tasks.